AttributeError: 'Cadet' object has no attribute '_is_file_class' in CADET-Process

Hi everyone,

I am currently working on the characterization of my chromatographic system fitting CSTR and DPFR parameters to describe BTCs under non-binding conditions (system only, no column attached yet), very similar to this script:

Everthing seems fine until the optimization using U_NSGA3 starts. Here, I receive an error message:
AttributeError: ‘Cadet’ object has no attribute ‘_is_file_class’
Something seems not to be defined properly in CADET. Does someone have experience with this? Thanks in advance!


Marking as duplicate: Defining n_cores in optimization problem results in error - #3 by j.schmoelder

Hi Nils,

could you please also let us know on which OS you’re working, give us a dump of the package versions in your python environment and if you’re using Jupyter Notebooks / Lab to execute the code?


Looked into it a bit more today and I can’t solve it right now. It appears to be a pickling issue with ipython.

The workaround that works for me is to run the script with regular python instead of ipython. So in a console run $python “path/to/your/”.

Hi Nils,

We have been working on a fix that hasn’t made it into the stable release yet. You can try the version of CADET-Process which includes the fix with this pip command:

pip install -e git+

Hi Ron,
sorry for the late reply, vacation season :slight_smile:
Is this website still available?

pip install -e git+

I can’t find anything there.


Hey Nils,

nice, hope you had a nice vacation!

The parallelization branch has been merged into the dev branch, but not into the master branch yet, so the current pip command is

pip install -e git+

Just ran it in a fresh conda env to test it and it worked for me.

conda create -n cadet_process_env python=3.10 cadet
conda activate cadet_process_env 
pip install -e git+

Hi Ron,

yes, it was really good and refreshing, thank you :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, the modified installation does not work for me :

Followingly, I am also not able to create the new environment:

This results in my scripts not being able to import the process model:

What am I doing wrong?


Hey Nils,

I’m really sorry, but I think that crashed your conda env. That happened to me too once. It’s a consequence of mixing conda with pip, which is fine most of the time, but can cause issues.

Because that command was executed in the base conda env I don’t know if that is recoverable or if you need to reinstall conda. Sorry about that!

The pip install -e etc. command should i.m.o only be run in a conda env, not in the base env. Sorry that I didn’t make that more clear in my message.

This Wednesday at 15:00 is the cadet office hour, if you want to go through the installation process together you can join us there.

So, we have a temporary fix: downgrade addict to v2.3

You can install cadet-process with addict 2.3 with this command from your cadet_process_env in conda:
pip install -e git+

Let me know if that works.

Hi Ron,

I just ran it with a small pop_size and yes, it works!

Thank you so much for your help!