CADET-Process Yamamoto Issue Tuple index out of range

Dear CADET users,
I face an issue when I tried to do Yamamoto approach on CADET-process. It showed index error that “tuple index out of range”. Could I please ask what might cause this problem and how I could fix it? Here is my script: (very similar to the tutorial)

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from import GradientExperiment

def read_data(file_name):
    # read raw data, assumes there are no column headers
    data = pd.read_csv(file_name,header=None)
    # split the two traces and drop NaN
    # must be split first because one dataframe is longer than the other
    salt_data = data[[0,1]].dropna()
    protein_data = data[[2,3]].dropna()

    # Convert each column to numpy arrays
    time1 = np.array(salt_data[0])
    c_salt = np.array(salt_data[1])
    time2 = np.array(protein_data[2])
    c_protein = np.array(protein_data[3])
    # create interpolation function to interpolate shorter
    # array (salt) to same x-locations as the longer array (protein)
    interp_func = interp1d(time1,c_salt)
    c_salt_interp = interp_func(time2)
    return time2,c_salt_interp,c_protein
def create_experiment(file_name, gradient_volume):
    """CSV should have format of [time, salt, time, protein]."""
    time,c_salt,c_protein = read_data(file_name)
    return GradientExperiment(time, c_salt, c_protein, gradient_volume)

experiment_1 = create_experiment('./YamamotoExperiments/Single/40MV.csv', 34.4e-6)
experiment_2 = create_experiment('./YamamotoExperiments/Single/50MV.csv', 43e-6)
experiment_3 = create_experiment('./YamamotoExperiments/Single/60MV.csv', 51.6e-6)

experiments = [experiment_1, experiment_2, experiment_3]
from import plot_experiments


from CADETProcess.processModel import ComponentSystem
component_system = ComponentSystem(['Salt', 'A'])

from CADETProcess.processModel import StericMassAction
binding_model = StericMassAction(component_system)
binding_model.adsorption_rate = [1, 1]
binding_model.desorption_rate = [1, 1]
binding_model.capacity = 4.7 * 175

from CADETProcess.processModel import LumpedRateModelWithoutPores
membrane = LumpedRateModelWithoutPores(component_system, 'membrane')
membrane.length = 0.12/100 #m
membrane.diameter = 3/100 #m
membrane.total_porosity = 0.8
membrane.binding_model = binding_model
membrane.axial_dispersion = 0.0013

from import fit_parameters
yamamoto_results = fit_parameters(experiments, membrane)



40MV.csv (87.6 KB)
50MV.csv (114.4 KB)
60MV.csv (131.5 KB)

I also attach the data sheet in case you want to test. Thank you so much for your time and generous help!

Kind regards,

Hi Annie,

for now you need to provide c_protein as a np.array with 2 dimensions.

def read_data(file_name):
    # read raw data, assumes there are no column headers
    data = pd.read_csv(file_name,header=None)

    # split the two traces and drop NaN
    # must be split first because one dataframe is longer than the other
    salt_data = data[[0,1]].dropna()
    protein_data = data[[2,3]].dropna()

    # Convert each column to numpy arrays
    time1 = np.array(salt_data[0])
    c_salt = np.array(salt_data[1])
    time2 = np.array(protein_data[2])
    c_protein = np.array(protein_data[3])

    # create interpolation function to interpolate shorter
    # array (salt) to same x-locations as the longer array (protein)
    interp_func = interp1d(time1,c_salt)
    c_salt_interp = interp_func(time2)

    c_protein = np.expand_dims(c_protein, axis=1)

    return time2,c_salt_interp,c_protein

In a future release, I will automatically expand the dimensions when reading the experiment.



Great! Thank you so much!

Kind regards,

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