Extracting Data from UNICORN Files

Sure thing [removed name and mail to protect privacy]

I last contacted him about 9 months ago, regarding an issue where PyCorn exports pH data without decimals included (so pH 8.0 shows up as pH 80). He responded very promptly, so he appears to still be using that email, luckily.

He informed me that he no longer works in this field and hasn’t worked on the software in several years. Thus, I think if we inform him about the CADET project, we can possibly officially integrate his software which would make for a very nice user experience. In the spirit of open-source programming, I think this would be a great idea overall.

Please let me know if I can assist in any way.

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Cool, I’ll contact him!

I also took a look at the code. It does not seem to be super complicated or a very large project for that matter. So maybe we could also consider a rewrite which would allow us to make some design decisions that would make the integration into the rest of CADET easier.

@ronald.jaepel this could be a nice side project for you to work on.

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ok, unfortunately, the mail bounced so I will try to reach out to him through another channel.

Edit: I just simply opened an issue: Future of PyCORN · Issue #25 · pyahmed/PyCORN · GitHub

was anyone able to automate this process? without having to manually export the files

Hi Eduardo,

you can export multiple folders from the UNICORN Software at the same time into (I think) .Ufol database files. Those are just zip archives and can be extracted with 7zip or any other archiving software. They contain the folder structure and all chromatograms within as .Results or .Zip files. These in turn can be opened with PyCorn, which I’ve forked and updated a bit here

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