Incorporation of loading loading capacity and load conductivity in CEX models

Hi Team,
I was trying to model for CEX chromatography to incorporate both loading capacity and load conductivity. I have three different loading capacity and load conductivity to evaluate. Can anyone suggest which model incorporates these?
Any help is appreciated


Hi Shyama,

could you please be a bit more specific? What do you mean by “incorporate both loading capacity and load conductivity”? What have you tried so far?



Hi Johannes,

Thanks for your interest. I was trying to develop a CEX chromatography model using SMA isotherm model. In my experimental data, I have taken several loading capacity like 10, 20 and 30, and load conductivity 1, 2 and 3. I want to check the effect of incorporation of different combination of loading capacity and load conductivity in simulation result. I didn’t find any sample code for the same. Please suggest any approach.


Please have a look at our Load-Wash-Elute example. It shows how to specify the parameters of the SMA isotherm and how to modulate boundary conditions (which would include the salt concentration / ionic strength as measured by conductivity).

We also have an upcoming workshop, if you’re interested in learning more about modeling with CADET. For more information, see here: CADET Workshop 2024 Announcement

Hi Shyama,

just out of curiosity for me: what are the units of the loading capacity and load conductivity numbers?

Hi Ronald,

Thanks for your interest.
The unit of loading capacity is mg/mL and load conductivity is mS/cm.



Hi Ronald,

Please help me, to incorporate loading capacity and and load conductivity. The unit of loading capacity is mg/mL and load conductivity is mS/cm.



You need to perform a conductivity sensor calibration to infer the salt concentration from the conductivity signal.