Meaning of the performance object attributes

Hi, I don t understand the meaning of the eluent_consuption parameter in :

Performance(mass=array([7.98703225e-06, 1.47770876e-07, 2.09794703e-06, 0.00000000e+00]), concentration=array([0.00122242, 0.00095269, 0.03313701, 0.        ]), purity=array([0.99983278, 0.82762643, 0.94481026, 0.        ]), recovery=array([0.99837903, 0.36942719, 0.52448676, 0.        ]), productivity=array([9.80845419e-06, 1.81469640e-07, 2.57637840e-06, 0.00000000e+00]), eluent_consumption=array([9.15944065e-04, 1.69462014e-05, 2.40590256e-04, 0.00000000e+00]) mass_balance_difference=array([-1.61239417e-10, -9.69593157e-10, -3.33683584e-10, -4.54375695e-13]))

Indeed i’d like to know how much eluent i’ve used to elute my column. But why if I do [mass[i]/eluent_consuption[i] for i in range(len(mass)) where mass = performance.mass and so for eluent consuption every element is equal ? Thanks you in advance

Hi Yugo,

unfortunately, I cannot reproduce your issue.

from CADETProcess.performance import Performance
import numpy as np

performance = Performance(
    mass=np.array([7.98703225e-06, 1.47770876e-07, 2.09794703e-06, 0.00000000e+00]),
    concentration=np.array([0.00122242, 0.00095269, 0.03313701, 0.        ]),
    purity=np.array([0.99983278, 0.82762643, 0.94481026, 0.        ]),
    recovery=np.array([0.99837903, 0.36942719, 0.52448676, 0.        ]),
    productivity=np.array([9.80845419e-06, 1.81469640e-07, 2.57637840e-06, 0.00000000e+00]),
    eluent_consumption=np.array([9.15944065e-04, 1.69462014e-05, 2.40590256e-04, 0.00000000e+00]),
    mass_balance_difference=np.array([-1.61239417e-10, -9.69593157e-10, -3.33683584e-10, -4.54375695e-13])

mass = performance.mass
eluent_consuption = performance.eluent_consumption

print([mass[i]/eluent_consuption[i] for i in range(len(mass))])
>>> [0.008720000003493662, 0.008719999987725864, 0.008719999990357049, nan]

Please check your code again and provide us with a minimum reproducible example.

Note, if you look at the CADET-Process documentation, you will see, that the specific eluent consumption is defined as:

EC_{i} = \frac{V_{solvent}}{m_i}

Hopefully this already helps.