Simulation Running Time (

I am new to CADET have set up 2 SMA simulations to run. The first simulation which I submitted on March 7th has still not completed running nor has the second one that I have completed and submitted March 10th. I am not sure how long a simulation should take to run on this platform but I think it shouldn’t be a few days.

I am wondering if I did something wrong and how I can stop a simulation from running once I have submitted it?

Also, am I able to run multiple simulations at the same time?

I found the simulations and they have actually failed within a few seconds. For some reason the website did not pick that up and is now showing the failure. I am trying to track down why it is not showing the failure for those simulations.

I will also try and figure out why the simulations failed.

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I fixed the problem with results not updating and you should now be able to see the errors on the page.

I have also looked at the simulation and with one change I was able to make a working simulation CADET Web Interface (

The problem is the velocity was set to 4 m/s and that is probably a mistake or you have some REALLY impressive pumps. :slight_smile: